Home » Renaissance , The » Lirik Lagu Renaissance, The - Okichi-san

Lirik Lagu Renaissance, The - Okichi-san

Anda menyukai Lagu Okichi-san yang di Populerkan oleh Renaissance, The?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Okichi-san Artis/Band Renaissance, The dari Album Camera Camera

Sunlight shining kyoko-san
Shades her face behind her fan
Silk kimono, amber comb
Geisha kyoko-san's alone
Moving through the willow leaves
Past the tea house trees
Preparing for the evening play
Kyoko-san would please

In shimoda geisha-san
Tells of lost okichi-san
Taken from the geisha place
To a foreign cold embrace
Bound in duty to perform
Okichi-san was torn
Unhappy okichi-san lived a life forlorn

In shimoda geisha kyoko-san is resting
Lost okichi-san geisha kyoko-san
Different as two can be

In shimoda gefu lanterns glow this evening
Through the paper screen
Painted candle's light
Soft against the perfect night sky

In shimoda poor okichi-san is sleeping
Dreams of blossom trees
Heavy on the ground
Scented petals falling so soft
Through the paper screen
Painted candle's light
Soft against the perfume night sky

from Lirik Berry

Itulah Lirik Lagu Okichi-san dari Artist/Band Renaissance, The yang dapat LirikBerry.blogspot.com sampaikan, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika Anda ingin request Lirik Lagu Terbaru yang Anda inginkan silahkan kirimkan komentar di bawah artikel ini.
Judul : Lirik Lagu Renaissance, The - Okichi-san | Kategori : Renaissance / The | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2005/02/lirik-lagu-renaissance-okichi-san.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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