Home » Mr.big » Lirik Lagu Mr.big - Where Do I Fit In?

Lirik Lagu Mr.big - Where Do I Fit In?

Anda menyukai Lagu Where Do I Fit In? yang di Populerkan oleh Mr.big?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Where Do I Fit In? Artis/Band Mr.big dari Album Hey Man

Don't you color me by the way you paint your picture

I'm happy just the way i am

It's been soaked into my bones, a child under pressure

I'm a bastard of the master plan

I wanna live my life

Don't wanna live a lie

I hear freedom ringin'

Everyone's got a place

But where do i fit in

Don't go sellin' me a dream you can't deliver

Like a dog in a cat suit, it's a poor disguise

Strange little angels a parade of saints and sinners

Greetings from the other side

I wanna live my life

I don't wanna live a lie

I hear freedom ringin'

Everyone's got a place

But where do i fit in

I was walking on glass from a thousand broken mirrors

Saw my reflection stare me down

I tried to run, i was going through the motions

I got my feet on solid ground

I wanna live my life

Don't wanna live a lie

I hear freedom ringin'

I wasn't the same as you baby

But take a walk in my shoes

I hear freedom ringin'

Everyone's got a place

But where do i fit in

from Lirik Berry

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Judul : Lirik Lagu Mr.big - Where Do I Fit In? | Kategori : Mr.big | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2006/04/lirik-lagu-mrbig-where-do-i-fit-in.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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