Home » John Fogerty » Lirik Lagu John Fogerty - Wasn't That A Woman

Lirik Lagu John Fogerty - Wasn't That A Woman

Anda menyukai Lagu Wasn't That A Woman yang di Populerkan oleh John Fogerty?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Wasn't That A Woman Artis/Band John Fogerty dari Album Eye Of The Zombie

Wasn't that a woman! (x4)
Oh, yeah!

(wasn't that a woman) took me by surprise,
(wasn't that a woman) uh-huh, right between the eyes.
(wasn't that a woman) well, i hope to believe,
(wasn't that a woman) made a schoolboy outta me.

Oh yeah, i got it badly, ain't too much to figure out;
Bam boom, and she had me. oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.

(wasn't that a woman) watch me, watch me, watch me runnin' down the line,
(wasn't that a woman) ain't she fine, ain't she fine;
(wasn't that a woman) well i'm chasin' after that,
(wasn't that a woman) uh-huh, pure cadillac.

How! oh, yeah!


(wasn't that a woman) whoa smile on my face,
(wasn't that a woman) turn every head in the place;
(wasn't that a woman) oww, such sweet agony,
(wasn't that a woman) whoa 'cause she's leavin' here with me!

Wasn't that a woman!...
(various shouting and talking)

from Lirik Berry

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Judul : Lirik Lagu John Fogerty - Wasn't That A Woman | Kategori : John Fogerty | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2008/12/lirik-lagu-john-fogerty-wasn-that-woman.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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