Home » Rainbirds » Lirik Lagu Rainbirds - Ain`t It Strange

Lirik Lagu Rainbirds - Ain`t It Strange

Anda menyukai Lagu Ain`t It Strange yang di Populerkan oleh Rainbirds?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Ain`t It Strange Artis/Band Rainbirds dari Album In A Different Light

Down in vineland
There`s a clubhouse
Girl in white dress
Boy shoots white stuff
Don`t you know
That anyone can join
And they come and call
And they fall on the floor
Don`t you see
When you`re looking at me
That i never end
Transcend transcend
Ain`t it strange
Ain`t it strange
Come and join me
I implore thee
I impure thee
Come explore me
Don`t you know
That anyone can join
And they come and call
And they fall on the floor
Don`t you see
When you`re looking at me
That i never end
Transcend transcend
Ain`t it strange
Ain`t it strange
True, true
Who are you
Who, who am i
Down in vineland
There`s a clubhouse
Girl in white dress
Boy shoots white stuff
Don`t you know
That anyone can join
And they come and call
And they fall on the floor
Don`t you see
When you`re looking at me
That i never end
Transcend transcend
Ain`t it strange
Ain`t it strange
Do you go to the temple tonight?
Oh no, i don¶ït think so no
Do you not go to the palace of answers with me, marie?
Oh no, i don`t think so no
See, when they offer me books of gold
I know soon still that platinum`s coming
And when i look inside of your temple
It looks just like the inside of the brain of any one man
And when he beckons his finger to me, well
I move in another direction
I move in another dimension
I move in another direction
Ohohoh strange

from Lirik Berry

Itulah Lirik Lagu Ain`t It Strange dari Artist/Band Rainbirds yang dapat LirikBerry.blogspot.com sampaikan, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika Anda ingin request Lirik Lagu Terbaru yang Anda inginkan silahkan kirimkan komentar di bawah artikel ini.
Judul : Lirik Lagu Rainbirds - Ain`t It Strange | Kategori : Rainbirds | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2010/11/lirik-lagu-rainbirds-aint-it-strange.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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