Home » Holly Mcnarland » Lirik Lagu Holly Mcnarland - The Box

Lirik Lagu Holly Mcnarland - The Box

Anda menyukai Lagu The Box yang di Populerkan oleh Holly Mcnarland?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu The Box Artis/Band Holly Mcnarland dari Album Stuff

I had a box
A box that could talk
We looked inside and found
A yellow ribbon

So i took that box
For a long, long walk
And we had a talk
And went to look for a friend

And i had to eat you

We went shopping
The whole while talking
We fell upon a little egg
And the egg started talking

Could this be true
Have i really found you
To stop this box from talking
Well i must eat you

And i had to eat you
Have i really found you

The egg is terrified
But not to my surprise
But i had to stop him
This box from talking

So i said goodbye
And i see you both next time
And i'll be along my way
But the ribbons will always stay

And i had to eat you
Have i really found you

from Lirik Berry

Itulah Lirik Lagu The Box dari Artist/Band Holly Mcnarland yang dapat LirikBerry.blogspot.com sampaikan, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika Anda ingin request Lirik Lagu Terbaru yang Anda inginkan silahkan kirimkan komentar di bawah artikel ini.
Judul : Lirik Lagu Holly Mcnarland - The Box | Kategori : Holly Mcnarland | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2012/06/lirik-lagu-holly-mcnarland-box.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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