Home » Faith Evans » Lirik Lagu Faith Evans - Faithful (Interlude)

Lirik Lagu Faith Evans - Faithful (Interlude)

Anda menyukai Lagu Faithful (Interlude) yang di Populerkan oleh Faith Evans?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Faithful (Interlude) Artis/Band Faith Evans dari Album Faithfully
Faithful to the end
She's a lover and a friend
Faithful to the end
And with this I know you can win, just stay faithful
Faithful till the end

Faithful to the end
Listen ya'll she's a mother and a wife, she is everything, faithful
Faithful to the end
Even when things go wrong and you got nobody else to call
You call on good ol' faithful
Faithful to the end
Cause I know you gotta stay faithful

Faithful to the end
She's the one that will cook and clean, wash your clothes
So you always gotta stay faithful
Faithful to the end

Ya'll just take it on home, I can't even sing no more
Faithful to the end
Yeah, I like that.

Itulah Lirik Lagu Faithful (Interlude) dari Artist/Band Faith Evans yang dapat LirikBerry.blogspot.com sampaikan, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika Anda ingin request Lirik Lagu Terbaru silahkan kirimkan komentar di bawah artikel ini.
Judul : Lirik Lagu Faith Evans - Faithful (Interlude) | Kategori : Faith Evans | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2012/12/lirik-lagu-faith-evans-faithful.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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