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Lirik Lagu Sleater Kinney - Start Together

Anda menyukai Lagu Start Together yang di Populerkan oleh Sleater Kinney?. Lirik Berry kali ini akan menampilkan Lirik Lagu Start Together Artis/Band Sleater Kinney dari Album Hot Rock

If you want me it's changing
If you want everything's changing
If you want the sky would open up
If you want your eyes could open up

I'm a mess
I'm the worst
But the best
That you've heard

Come so far come close together
Don't tear apart what we worked for

Right or wrong
Here we are
I wanna know
What you are

Baby don't you leave me baby don't you go
I'll head out the fences head out the door

I don't know
What you want
But i got
What you...

Baby don't you leave me baby don't you go
I'll roll with the punches roll out the door

from Lirik Berry

Itulah Lirik Lagu Start Together dari Artist/Band Sleater Kinney yang dapat LirikBerry.blogspot.com sampaikan, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika Anda ingin request Lirik Lagu Terbaru yang Anda inginkan silahkan kirimkan komentar di bawah artikel ini.
Judul : Lirik Lagu Sleater Kinney - Start Together | Kategori : Sleater Kinney | URL : https://lirikberry.blogspot.com/2013/07/lirik-lagu-sleater-kinney-start-together.html | Rating : 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews. | Oleh Unknown

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